Student-led projects
Addressing missing data in dyadic data analysis
Lead: Olivia Tabaczyk
Can a more comprehensive way of handling missing data improve validity of analyses?
Shocking! ECT is not what you think
Lead: Haley Raybin
Can a brief online psychoeducation improve attitudes towards ECT?
AASARE: Digital intervention for depression in Kannada
Lead: Siri Vivek
Will Kannada speakers use and benefit from an online intervention for symptoms of depression?
Decision-making in depression and ADHD
Lead: Cedi McCorkle
Do depression and ADHD affect decision-making in different ways?
Improving engagement in Internet interventions
Lead: Kyle Retzer
Can online interventions be optimized to improve engagement and retention?
Conjoint analysis of depression treatment preferences
Lead: Qimin Liu
Can we understand individual preferences for depression treatment using conjoint analysis?
Understanding attitudes towards physician assisted suicide
Lead: Kathy Bohac
What are the factors that influence individual's attitudes towards physician assisted suicide?
Digital intervention preferences among Chinese Americans
Lead: Charlotte Teng
What types of digital interventions would Chinese Americans prefer?
Influence of attention on decision-making
Lead: Kayla Huynh
How does attention affect different types of decisions?